Sunday, May 20, 2007


(I'm not trying to be greedy I just needed to get rid of my morning before thinking about what I really wanted to say on here, so here is my REAL blog of the day!!)

Yes, i've finished my placement for the year phew! you know when you hold your breath going through the dartford tunnel and the massive relief it is to breath at the other end while imagine that but after going through the tunnel 5 times before being able to breath and that's pretty much how I felt on Friday! don't get me wrong I was sad to say bye to the children but my oh my do I need to sleep!

I'll explain my weekend and that will explain why I'm typing this blog sooooo slowly with imaginary matchsticks holding open my eyes!

6:30 - alarm goes off for the last day of block woohoo!
8:00 - arrive at nursery
9:30 - chuck children on the coach and set off to the farm
2:30 - chuck children off the coach back at nursery
3:30 - last child picked up from nursery (cheeky mother!)
4:00 - leave nursery
5:30 - arrive back at home
7:30 - leave the house to go to a pub with my housemates (I was assured we would be home about 10) (my mate does Burlseque dancing so we went to see her 'perform' - most bizzare experience to date!)
12:00 - arrive back home and collapse into bed

8:30 - my brain decides it's had enough sleep and would like to get up now, my body disagrees but my brain over rules and I get up
11:30 - my housemate cooks us a fry up
12:00 - go to Asda to get fruit for the fruit salad (see earlier blog!)
1:00 - arrive back home
5:30 - start getting ready to go out for the evening
6:45 - leave the house glamed up (carrying heels ready for later)
8:00 - heels on, hobble into a club in Soho to watch a cabaret Burlseque show (it's my mates birthday pressie we just had to go & keep her company and buy her stupidly expensive cocktails - I dont get why people spend so much on a drink that helps to distroy their memory of "an amazing night")
1:00 - back home, crash into bed

8:15 - alarm goes off
9:45 - arrive in Sutton (see earlier blog)
1:00 - leave Sutton
2:00 - arrive home and make a cuppa tea!
2:30 - waste time chilling out online!

I'm tired!
funniest thing: the guy in charge of the club on Saturday finding a man for a woman on her hen night only to be told she's a lesbian on her hen nite hehehehe! Quote: Hen night girls: "she licks the other side of the stamp" compare: "I bet her post never arrives then"
scariest thing: teacher calling register on coach "Ellie?" .......(no response) "Is Ellie on the coach?"..... (nursery nurses look)..... "Ellie?" ....... (finally Ellie found sitting next to her friend as had been the whole time!)

Once again I'd quite like to press the stop button but this time during the night so I can have an extra long sleep! Please someone create my brillant remote control!


becca87m said...

I can't make a remote control, but I could sleep outside your bedroom door, and refuse to let you get up untill AT LEAST 9:30 tomorrow! (hey I don't have anything better to do with my day!!)

Jude said...

dat wont work I'm at work 2moz @ 9 lol! oh and it's not that i want to get up it's just my brain is so use to getting up early it dont like to stay asleep! grrrr!

becca87m said...

maybe if you went to sleep really really late, you'd be able to sleep later in the morning?

I tend to just lie thinking about stuff for ages, until I either find myself falling back to sleep again, or running out of stuff so I get up!

Well getting up to be at work for 9 whilst a nightmare early start for me is practially a lay in for you!! so I guess thats a start!!

Dawn said...

Well done for making it to the end of placement. Just think, when you qualify, you'll get to do all that again, but that time it'l last for years, not weeks! (it's great, really) The only difference being that the whole 1 in the morning thing doesn't happen very often, cos you simply can't keep your eyes open!

Liz said...

Yes - congrats Jude!

I've been waking up at 5:30 lately for no good reason - it's pants!

Claire said...

When it gets to this time next year, and you are sad that it is your last ever placement I'll remind you of this!!! I'm in that place now, although slightly different!