Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Your main event...

A super duper person asked me 2day how my main event was? I didn't come home at the weekend to come along but I've been getting mixed messages about the whole event & I've realised how vast and diverse we are as a group of people and I'm not sure we can ever get stuff right... What I mean (even tho I may not be making any sense watsoever!) is that the parents/ adults seen to have had a great time and felt all powered up and stuff but the younger groups seem to not have enjoyed it as much. Is this because some groups refuse to listen to God or because people are telling us stuff that doesn't fire us up. Like when we're at roots and the speakers are like we need your money to help this, this and this as kids we really do want to help but we can't coz the money we have in our pockets is for our dinner later whereas adults have a magic piece of plastic so you can instantly get involved wivout 1st having 2 run off & ask lovely ma and pa if you can have sum extra money....
(this is prob all a bit of a mix of thoughts so I do apologise!)
When I was younger I wrote at a youth event of sum sorts that if we were going to have flats on top of our church we should buy one as a church and give it 2 sum1 trying to turn their life around. In my head this was all very feesible and I couldn't see why it wouldnt work I just didnt know how on earth I would go about convincing the grown ups to listen to me... do our kids get the opportunity to be really honest with us about their ideas?? This africa trip next yr is an amazing opportunity for the youth and stuff but did we ask them if they'd prefer to do something in England??? just a thought... maybe we as adults need to not run away with what we think is really exciting without pausing to think about how the younger generation can get involved (and I mean really involved)
At Roots this year I know a bunch of people from Romford got all excited bout stuff that's gonna b happening over the next couple of years and stuff but personally I don't feel it and that worries me we should be as one fighting against the evil stuff but if we can't tell people what we're all excited about and to get people on board then how can we be one???

(sorry 4 my mixed up thoughts...!) (and sorry if I make no sense just ignore this post really!)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Not sure what to call this 1.....!

I've just got in from C.U and we've been talking about 'How to Pray' and 'Why we should pray.' The guy speaking used the A.C.T.S set way to pray which is ok I guess some people do use a set step-by-step prayer thing but I just can't do that! I've noticed as well that whenever I pray in groups I pray with my eyes open and talk with my hands like I'm just tlkin 2 the people I'm praying with... Is that wrong... should I talk differently when I talk to God to when I talk to my friends...?
I know prayer is a very personal thing and everyone prays differently and stuff so what works for one person might not work for someone else but I was very aware today that I don't pray like anyone else in our group of 6 (maybe in a bigger group someone would pray as I do... I dont know!)

Anyway don't know why I just blabbered on really coz what I was gonna waffle about was how irritating it is to be treated like your stupid when you're really not.... Just gonna get this off my chest coz it really annoyed my whole class (of 15...!)
we were in ICT (yes 4 hrs.... AHHH!) anyway our task over the week was to produce a powerpoint slide on a ICT term. Fair enough we all managed this without any trouble but then our tutor went on for like another 15mins talking about the importance of using contrasting colours between your text and background. This wouldn't of been so bad if any of us had used colours that made it hard to read the text but NON OF US HAD! we all know full well you need to be able to read the text so WHY waffle for 15mins telling us something we obviously ALL know!!!! Ah! (sorry to moan it's just irritating!) (and besides I need to beat Glyn now that I'm moving up Kirst's list!!)