Saturday, March 8, 2008

no title really......

Hello all!

Just wanted to share this with you I don't know who wrote it but we were given it in small group the other week & think it's worth everyone reading & take what you do from it....!
"stop fighting that battle, I've already done that for you. Be still. Open your eyes. My love for you has cast out all fear. Look at what I've done. Stop wringing your hands in worry. I love you. I want you to expereience the peace I've given you."

we've got Ofsted monday & tuesday next week so I've bin shipped out to the nursery which is lovely (with all 50 + on the register....!) Obviously it doesn't affect me what the school get or what they think & I don't have to do anything (except learn lots of names...!) but the school has bin mad thursday & friday this week since we got the news everyone is just looking different no one is just chatting as they pass each other in the corridor or even sitting in the staff room coz suddenly we've got all these jobs to be doing... just got me thinking if God decided today was the day he was gonna come back & gave us 2 days notice what would we do tidy up, forgive someone, cry, laugh, panic.... fortunatly He wont tell us coz that'd be weird but then when we were Ofsted-ed at summer camp a woman just turned up in the morning without any warning I've never seen myself tidy an art room any quicker or settle children down to get on with 'being creative ' as speedily. Would we have time to do the things we wanted to do if God decided right now it's time to go.... Would I regret leaving people behind without telling them once more how much they mean to me do they know how much I need and value their friendship.... There's a song by Celebr8 called 'If today was the last day' It says:

If today was the last of all days would it change how you feel inside?
Would you rise for a moment above all your fears?
Become one with the moon and the stars?
Would you like what you see looking down?
Did you give everything that you could?
Have you done all the things that you've wanted to do?
Is there still so much more that you want?

Follow your dreams to the end of the rainbow
Way beyond one pot of gold
Open you eyes to the colours that's around you
Find the true beauty life holds

Would you live for the moment like when you were young?
And time didn't travel so fast
Being free in the present, enjoying the now
Not tied to the future or a past

You've probably said all you wanted to say
But doesn't it strike you as strange
That we'd only begin to start living our lives
If today was the last of all days.

Then again to go back to the beginning I need to not worry about what I don't know & just get on with life as it is.....

wasn't gonna waffle on then was just gonna write up the quote the madness that is my mind when I open a new post page!
Hope you're all having good weeks & are well (and yes I do value you all & hope you know how much you mean to me....) xxx