"When I was learning to swim, the swimming instructor
used to shout, "For goodness' sake take your feet off
the bottom!' Sometimes it's like that in our Christian life...
we're scared of getting out of our depth, but it's impossible
to learn to swim that way. Our feelings let us down, telling
us that this is not us - we're never going to be good swimmers,
never going to do much for God. but God... takes the ordinary and
makes it extrodinary, and that is exactly what happens to us when we
give our lives into his hands..."
(Clare Blake: Diary of an [extra] ordinary woman)
I'm sure you all know where I'm headed with this I'm rather obvious really! I went into Upminster Christian bookshop on Wednesday not because I wanted anything but coz I was walking past and decided to stop (or God nudged me.....) this book caught my eye just from the quote above I love that anaolgy. We can't learn to swim with our feet walking along the bottom of the pool. We can't learn to drive without lessons and reading books to help us we can't pass our test without practice. We're humans we're not perfect we can try and fail, try again then fail as long as we keep trying and don't give up we will learn to be what God wants us to be. Funnily enough God knows what He's doing... He created us... He can see more than we can... we just need to get on with trusting His plans and yes tht means lifting up your feet even if it means you feel like your drowning for a bit. If we're doing what He wants we wont fail....