Sunday, January 6, 2008

Back at uni....

Well I'm back in Roehampton again this time I didnt have quite as long off as previously Mr Gorilla will be pleased to know!
I came back yesterday (Saturday) so I could go to Sutton today I'm now more involoved with Sparklers so although I wasn't on the rota I went out with the children to see if Debbie needed me to stay which I did!
Today is Epiphany (the day Christians remember the wise men visiting Jesus) so we were looking at the star they followed and the word 'Hope' I've never really thought about the star as a major elelment in the Christmas story it just kinda appears, does it's job and disappears but today it was at the centre point of the story as a symbol of hope. The wise men believed the star was important enough to trek across desert and whateva to get to the chosen birth place of Jesus. What went through their minds....
what if we lose the star & end up in the middle of nowhere.... what if we're wrong this is just another shooting star.... what do we say to the King when we meet him?.... who are we meant to meet at the end?.... how do we know we have arrived & the star isn't just telling us to rest....
I dunno what they thought but they kept going because they believed it was the right thing to do, they hoped to meet and worship the new king. It's like those times when people say step out of your comfort box & just trust God to guide you. We often say how do I know this is God not just me wanting something to happen so say it's God when really it could just be me or that can't be God that's just my mind being random.... but the wise men didnt doubt they trusted and went (yes with a bit of help from their brains & star map stuff) surely our maps & brains come in the form of other people telling us to go for it (I mean people who have asked God for confamation not just our younger siblings saying hey if God is telling you to run off to Africa then yea go coz then I can get your room.....)
so I guess what I'm saying is if a group of men trust a shinning light to lead them to the saviour of the world surely I should trust God to guide me..... easier said than done though hey!


Anonymous said...

did they have hope or faith?? because if they had faith would those thoughts really have gone through their minds???!!!
sarah x

Jude said...

Interesting! dunno cant exactly ask them now.... lol! if we'd been lookin at faith that wood have been easier for me to accept I admit!

Jenny said...

when did your younger sibling tell you to go to Africa so she could have your room???!!!....I thought it was the younger sibling going to you want her room???!!!