Monday, December 10, 2007

Are you sitting comfortably? good then MOVE

Have you noticed that when you sit in the same place on a sofa the cushion never gets back to it's originally flufed-ness?
Have you noticed that unless we keep searching for what God is trying to tell us we're just bobbing along in life waiting to die?
Have you noticed that chocolate tastes so much better when you've given it up for lent?
Have you noticed that your friends have always got news to fill you in on?
Have you noticed how God also wants to tell us stuff constantly?
Have you noticed that a cuppa tea is really good at filling up a gap in ur belly when you realise it really is too early to cook dinner but you're a bit peckish?
Have you noticed that people see church as a building?
Have you noticed that I've written the same 4 words 8 times so far?
Have you noticed when we are comfortable we are also bored?
Have you noticed that if you didnt have anything to do in a day you'd drive yourself mad of nothingness?

Christianity isn't supposed to be a comfortable way of life (Jesus didnt exactly have it easy did He & we're supposed to be trying to live like Him so why do we think it should be comfortable?)

If you aren't being challenged & feeling uncomfortable then move till you are.

(for once I dont care what people reading this make of it just wanted to get it off my chest. Take from it what u will)


Anonymous said...

m8, just read this and its funny cus i blogged this morning about something rather quite similar but i swear didnt read ur blog untilll after!!!

Jude said...
